It should be no surprise to anyone in Indiana that grabbing a set of car keys and getting behind the steering wheel after drinking alcohol is dangerous. For several decades you have likely heard advocacy groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving or law enforcement entities highlight these risks and raise awareness about alternatives to getting home. Sadly, too many people continue to disregard what is a known fact - that drinking and driving is a deadly combination.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration collects and reports data on fatal collisions and the various factors involved in them. The information from 2016 shows a tragic and sobering trend in the state of Indiana. While overall traffic deaths increased by only four people, the number of people killed in drunk driving accidents rose by 39 from 2015 to 2016. Last year, there were 211 lives losts in wrecks involving alcohol. That represents 26 percent of all vehicular fatalities statewide.
Prior to 2015, Indiana had seen its number of alcohol-involved fatalities decrease after a staggering 230 deaths in 2012. In 2013 and 2014, the numbers dropped to 199 and 160, respectively. But then the trend reversed as 172 people perished in 2015 only to have that number shattered by the 211 in 2016. Clearly the message is not fully getting out as too many innocent people keep dying for no good reason.
If you would like to learn more about how taking action after being involved in a drunk driving accident may provide you with compensation options, please feel free to visit the automotive collision assistance page of our Indiana personal injury and accident website.
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