Hoosier drivers may be interested in a new survey released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety regarding the overwhelming prevalence of road rage throughout the country. According to a recently released survey, almost eight of every 10 drivers admit that within the last year, they have expressed aggression, anger or road rage at least once.
Behavior that constitutes angry or aggressive behavior may include cutting another driver off, yelling at another driver, following a vehicle too closely or making an angry gesture at another driver. Furthermore, a driver who rams or bumps another vehicle intentionally may be exhibiting road rage. Such a negligent driver who demonstrates this sort of behavior on the roads may cause a dangerous car accident. Most commonly, according to the survey, drivers who exhibit aggressive behavior on the road are males between the ages of 19 and 39.
Drivers who drive aggressively may cause deadly car collisions. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately two-thirds of fatalities that stem from car accidents are due to aggressive driving.
Often, aggressive driving arises in the form of intentionally tailgating another vehicle, and approximately 25 percent of drivers admit to having tried to block another vehicle from being able to change lanes. Almost 50 percent of drivers studied revealed they honked their vehicle's horn to display anger or annoyance, or yelled at another driver on the road.
Such irresponsible and negligent behavior by a driver can undoubtedly contribute to a major car collision. A Hoosier who has been injured in a car accident due to the behavior of an aggressive driver may wish to consult with an attorney to discuss his or her legal options.
Source: ABC News, "Most Drivers Admit Angry, Aggressive Behavior or Road Rage," Joan Lowy, July 14, 2016
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